Wednesday 29 May 2013

Return of the guardians

Bell of Lost Souls has put up some great rumors, that if true will change peoples attitudes towards the humble Eldar guardian:

First up here's the Eldar Guardians:

Guardians (TROOPS) 10 Guardians @ 9 points apiece

WS4 BS4 S3 T3 W1 I5 A1 Ld8 Sv5+
Support Plattform : WS- BS- S- T5 W1 I- A -Ld- Sv3+

Special Rules

Old Nemesis, BattleFocus, Fleet.
Mesh armor, Shuriken catapult , Plasma grenades
May take up to 10 additional Guardians
For each 10 in the unit one can get one of the following weapon platforms:
-shuriken cannon
-scatter laser
-eldar missile launcher with plasma and starstrike rockets
May take a Wave Serpent as Dedicated transport

Storm Guardians (TROOPS) 10 Storm Guardians @ 9 points apiece

WS4 BS4 S3 T3 W1 I5 A1 Ld8 Sv5+

Special Rules

Old Nemesis, Battlefocus, Fleet.
Mesh armor, Shuriken pistol, Chainsword , Plasma grenades
May take up to 10 additional Guardians
Up to 2 may exchange their Shuriken pistol and Chainsword for one of the following weapons:
-fusion gun
Up to 2 may exchange their Chainsword for a:
May take a Wave Serpent as Dedicated transport

And the signature Eldar weapons at long last:
Shuriken Weapons

Shuriken pistol : 12" S4 AP5 pistol, Bladestorm
Shuriken catalpult : 12" S4 AP5 assault 2 Bladestorm
Avenger catapult : 18" S4 AP5 assault 2 Bladestorm
Shuriken cannon : 24" S6 AP5 assault 3 Bladestorm
Screamer cannon : 24" S6 AP5 assault 3 pinning, Bladestorm

Bladestorm : To-wound rolls of "6" automatically wound at AP2

Wow, I don't think guardians have EVER been BS4/WS4/I5. Basically you are paying an extra 1 point compared to now, for Aspect Warrior statlines, minus the armor and leadership + plus a boatload of grenades and special rules.

The Shuriken weapons look like they did indeed get their version of rending (so watch out termys), while keeping their painfully short range. It is going to take full use of that Battlefocus ability to shoot-run, or run-shoot to get the most out of this army. The players who maneuver best are going to be able to pull off miracles and drive their opponents nuts. The Eldar army does not look like its made to win an attritional game at all.

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